Upcoming Events and Closures


The Practice will close during Protected Learning Time.

These closures are to ensure that Primary Health Care Teams in Maidstone are getting the essential training and development needed to ensure delivery of the best possible service to patients.  

When the surgery is closed there will be an On Call service running during these events and these dates will also be displayed in the surgery premises and on the surgery door.


Please remember to collect your repeat prescriptions outsides of these times.

Good Friday

in 65 days
We will be closed on Good Friday...

We will be closed on Good Friday


Easter Monday

in 68 days
We will be closed on Easter Monday...

We will be closed on Easter Monday


Early May bank holiday

in 82 days
We will be closed for the Early May bank holiday...

We will be closed for the Early May bank holiday


Spring bank holiday

in 103 days
We will be closed for the Spring bank holiday...

We will be closed for the Spring bank holiday


Summer bank holiday

in 194 days
We will be closed for the Summer bank holiday...

We will be closed for the Summer bank holiday


Christmas Day

in 316 days
We will be closed on Christmas Day...

We will be closed on Christmas Day


Boxing Day

in 317 days
We will be closed on Boxing Day...

We will be closed on Boxing Day


New Year's Day

in 323 days
We will be closed on New Year's Day...

We will be closed on New Year's Day
